Friday, May 7, 2010

Crazy Last Day at the Lake ( Write a play)

setting middle of a hot dry summer.
year 2000's
Characters Mike( a hot headed jock that loves adventure)
Sean ( a passive man that is cautious)
Dave(partner in crime Mike's best friend)
Dialog key Mike= M
Dave= D

M- I am so bored lets do something
D-(picks up a football) Lets start drinking and see where we end up.
M-Alright lets get some Natty
S-(sean drives the car to the beer store they all head to the lake)
they arrive at the bridge.
M-whos first.
S how deep is it
D deep enough stop being a wuss jump in.
M(finishing his beer does a back flip into the water) Kalabunga
S&D wahooooo!!!
all sitting in the water
M lets do something we will never forget.
D yea something we can look back at and say wow we were so stupid when we were young.
getting out of the water and drying off.
S lets go cruising on these back roads for a little
M I know the best place to go mudding take a right up here
D Mike give me another brewski
opening the beer during a huge splash of muddy water sprays mike and sean with beer
S wtf man thats Bull
M haha shut up Sean
S so did you see that new girl at our school
M oh yea man she is so fine
S i know did you meet her yet dave
D yea her name is Ann
M we should of brought that dime with us
S i think i might ask he to get some ice cream soon
M you are so gay
D haha
S its ok guys i will be the one hanging out with her while you are busy cleaning my car off
soon the guys find a jump and they are drunk at this point.
S mike no just no
M fine let me drive
everyone but mike gets out
M how fast do you think i should go 10-20
D you just need to look out for the turn after the jump that's where the problem is
S yea you don't want to run into the bushes
they all get into place
mike goes about 35 mph
S if you break your car i better get a ride home. don't do this. none of this is going to be my fault
D do it make sure your in a low gear for maximum traction.
M yells here i go
he takes off
sean and dave are standing in amazement
mike flies through the air only to land on his front bumper setting off the airbags
S mike are you ok
D holy $hit you are the man i can't believe you did that
S watch out your car is smoking
M my head f***ing hurts
mike keeps honking the horn trying to put back the airbags
S nevermind its your air bags
D lets get out of here
mike starts the car after checking his car to see if it will work
M how do you expect that to happen.
S just drive back over the jump
mike gets the car stuck tetter tottering over the jump.
M we are going to have to call someone to tow us over this hump
S i know just the guy
D please tell me its not Jeff
S Dude he will get here in no time and be able to help
D fine call him
S Damn it no cell service
M alright sean you drive Dave come push with me
D yea if we rock you you might be able to wiggle out of place
none of the boys see the gas leek and ignites off a spark when Sean starts the car
the car blows up knocking out all of the boys killing all three.

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